Adverb dapat diartikan sebagai kata keterangan atau kata bantu yang memberikan informasi untuk menjelaskan tentang Verb (kata kerja), Adjective (kata sifat), atau adverb itu sendiri. Pada adverb (Adv) juga menerangkan tentang tempat dan waktu dan adverb juga digunakan untuk menerangkan kata depan (preposition) dan kata penghubung (conjunction). Agar semakin lengkap, akan diberikan juga contoh adverb yang cukup untuk memudahkan pembelajaran.
Contoh adverb menerangkan Verb, Adjective, atau Adverb
Berikut ini beberapa contoh adverb yang menerangkan Verb, Adjective, atau Adverb lain:
Mendeskripsikan Verb | The accident occurred suddenly. (kecelakaan itu terjadi secara tiba-tiba) |
I seldom see you nowadays. (saya jarang bertemu kamu pada saat sekarang ini) | |
Mendeskripsikan Adjective | Our committee is especially busy. (komite kami sedang sangat sibuk) |
The house was good enough for me. (rumah itu sudah cukup baik untuk saya) | |
Mendeskripsikan Adverb lain | The horse runs really fast. |
Hendri finished the problem more quickly than Ali did. |
Ada pula adverbial phrase, dimana adverbial phrase merupakan kelompok kata yang terdiri dari adverb dengan qualifier. Contohnya: very, so, enough. Kelompok kata prepositional phrase/infinitive phrase yang berfungsi sebagai adverb.
Adverbial Phrase | Contoh Adverb (ial) |
Adverb + Qualifier | very fast, So, quickly |
Propositional Phrase | before lunch, during the day |
Infinitive Phrase | to pass the exam, to gain weight |
Adverbial Clause merupakan dependant clause yang berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan dan memberikan informasi tentang verb, adjective, atau adverb lainnya pada independent clause di dalam suatu complex sentence. Klausa ini dapat disingkat menjadi reduce adverbial clause jika di dalam complex sentence terdapat satu macam subject.
Contoh adverb(ial) clause | Contoh reduced adverb(ial) clause |
Because, she didn’t feel well, she went to bed early. | Not feeling well, he went to bed early |
Contoh Perbandingan Adverb dengan Adverb(ial) | |
Adverb | She smiles friendly. |
Adverbial Phrase | She smiles in a polite way. |
Adverbial Clause | She smiled when I entered the room. |
Jenis Jenis dan Contoh Masing-masing
Adverb yang merupakan bagian dari part of speech mempunyai beberapa macam yaitu:
Adverb yang untuk menyatakan waktu terjadinya suatu kegiatan atau suatu peristiwa. When merupakan tanda tanya yang digunakan dalam mengajukan pertanyaan pada adverb of time.
Contoh Adverb of Time
I saw him yesterday morning. (Saya bertemu dengannya kemarin pagi)
a. When did you last see him? (kapan terakhir berjumpa dengannya?)
b. Yesterday morning. (kemarin pagi)
Ciri Adverb of Time Di dalam Kalimat: | |
Posisi Adverb of Time | Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Time |
Sebelum Verb (kata kerja) | Nina finally told me what happened with her life. (Nina akhirnya mengatakan kepada saya apa yang terjadi pada kehidupannya) |
Diantara auxiliary verb dan main verb, atau setelah auxiliary verb yang pertama. | That antique chair has already been bought. ( kursi antik itu sudah dibeli). |
Di akhir atau awal kalimat | Today we see climate change everywhere. (saat ini kita menjumpai perubahan iklim dimana-mana). |
I’m not running today. (saya tidak berlari hari ini). |
Contoh Kata Adverb of Time
Two days ago | Last Tuesday, week, month, year | Today |
Before dawn, midnight, dark | Later | Tomorrow |
Already | Since yesterday | Now |
Early | Then | Next week, month, year |
Finally, | Last week | From …. to/until ….. |
recently | Then | Yesterday morning, afternoon, night |
Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Time dan terjemahannya.
- Ahmad met Susi two days ago. (Ahmad bertemu Susi dua hari yang lalu)
- Bianca received a package from Jojon last week. (Bianca menerima paket dari Jojon minggu lalu)
- I am driving, I can’t talk right now. (saya dengan menyetir, saya tidak dapat berbicara sekarang)
- He recently discovered about the new cases. (dia baru-baru ini menemukan tentang kasus baru)
- The store has opened since 1978. (toko itu sudah buka sejak tahun 1978)
- She was poor then before she’s famous. (dia miskin sebelum dia terkenal)
- They are arriving tomorrow from Bali. (mereka akan tiba besok dari Bali)
- It rained heavenly yesterday afternoon. (hujan lebat sekali kemarin siang)
Adverb of Manner adalah Adverb (kata keterangan) untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan atau peristiwa yang terjadi. How (bagaimana) digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan pada adverb of manner.
Contoh Adverb of Manner
She greeted me enthusiastically and ask me about the business. (dia menyapaku dengan antusias dan menanyakanku tentang bisnis)
a. How did she greet you? (bagaimanakah dia menyapamu?)
b. Enthusistically (antusias)
Ciri Adverb of Manner Di dalam Kalimat: | |
Posisi Adverb of Time | Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Time |
Setelah main verb jika tidak ada direct object. | Jono always drives a car fast. (Jono selalu mengemudikan mobil dengan cepat) |
Setelah main verb + object (transitive verb). | She follows the instructions carefully. (dia mengikuti instruksi dengan hati-hati) |
Di antara auxiliary verb dan main verb | Things will slowly come together with the good news. (segalanya perlahan akan dating dengan kabar baik) |
Contoh Kata Adverb of Manner
Adverb of manner merupakan -ly adverb yang diperoleh dengan menambahkan -ly pada adjective (kata sifat). Berikut contoh adverb of manner baik yang berupa -ly adverb maupun yang bukan -ly adverb.
accidentally (dengan tidak sengaja) | exactly (dengan tepat) | neatly (dengan rapi) | successfully (dengan sukses) |
angrily (dengan marah) | fast (dengan cepat) | openly (secara terbuka) | suddenly (dengan tiba-tiba) |
automatically (secara otomatis) | fluently (dengan lancar) | painfully (dengan menyakitkan) | tenderly (dengan lembut) |
awkwardly (dengan canggung) | frankly (secara terus terang) | patiently (dengan sabar) | toughly (dengan serius) |
beautifully (dengan cantik) | gently (secara lembut) | poorly (dengan buruk) | together (Bersama-sama) |
carefully (secara hati-hati) | greedily (dengan lahap) | promptly (dengan cepat) | unexpectedly (dengan tidak di duga-duga) |
carelessly (secara sembarangan) | happily (dengan bahagia) | quickly (dengan cepat) | well (dengan baik) |
clearly (dengan jelas) | hard (dengan keras) | rarely (jarang) | wisely (dengan bijak) |
correctly (dengan benar) | healthily (secara sehat) | regularly (dengan teratur) | |
elegantly (secara elegan) | inadequately (secara tidak memadai) | seriously (dengan serius) | |
enthusiastically (dengan antusias) | mysteriously (secara misterius) | slowly (dengan lambat) |
Untuk adjective yang sudah berakhiran -ly, adverbial of manner yang berfungsi sebagai adverb dapat dibentuk menggunakan prepositional phrase in …. a way dan like ….
in a friendly way (dengan cara yang bersahabat) |
in a lovely way (dengan cara yang indah) |
in a silly way (dengan cara yang konyol) |
like child (seperti anak-anak) |
like a crazy person (seperti orang gila) |
like a single man (seperti laki-laki bujangan) |
like a politician (seperti politisi) |
Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Manner | |
1 | The oven turns off automatically. (oven itu mati secara otomatis) |
2 | Please read the instructions carefully before you answer the questions. (mohon dibaca instruksi secara hati-hati sebelum menjawab pertanyaan) |
3 | I can speak Germany fluently. (saya dapat berbahasa Jerman dengan lancar) |
4 | Wipe the mirror gently, so you won’t break it. (lap kaca tersebut dengan lembut, agar kamu tidak memecahkannya) |
5 | They live happily with their family in a small village. (mereka hidup berbahagia dengan keluarganya di kota kecil) |
6 | She knew the difference between working hard and working smart. (dia tahu tentang perbedaan antara kerja keras dan kerja cerdas) |
7 | She cooked breakfast quickly. (dia memasak sarapan dengan cepat) |
8 | Let’s have a great relationship together. (mari kita memiliki hubungan baik Bersama-sama) |
9 | You chew your food well. (anda mengunyah makanmu dengan baik) |
10 | She doesn’t know why her mother act like a child. (dia tidak tahu mengapa ibunya bertingkah seperti anak kecil) |
Adverb yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tingkatan atau derajat suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa. How much digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan pada adverb ini. Adverb of degree juga digunakan untuk menerangkan verb, adjective, atau adverb lain pada suatu kalimat.
Contoh Adverb of Degree
Completely | Really |
Enough | So |
Entirely | Somewhat |
Extremely | Strongly |
Hardly | Too |
Positively | Totally |
Rather | Very |
Ciri Adverb of Degree Berdasarkan Posisi dan Maknanya: | |
Posisi dan Contoh Adverb of Degree | Contoh Adverb of Degree Pada Kalimat |
Sebelum main verb atau diantara auxiliary dan main verb (completely, strongly, entirely, positively, totally) | She strongly recommended the best food at that restaurant. I will totally support your business. |
Setelah main verb (a lot, much, a great deal) | She talked a lot about her play. I don’t like too much sugar oh my coffee. |
Sebelum adjective (extremely, really, very) | The engine is very hot. |
Sebelum dan sesudah adjective (so ….. that, too ….. to) | He is so kind that my parents like him. |
Sesudah adjective (enough) | The tea is sweet enough. |
Sebelum adverb (extremely, so, too) | He was swimming so good like a pro. |
Sebelum dan sesudah adverb (so …. That, too …. to) | The teacher talked too loud to amaze the students. |
Sesudah adverbs (enough) | He drives fast enough. |
Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Degree
- I absolutely understand about your problem. (saya sangat memahami tentang masalah anda).
- A mother is a person who really care and love you. (seorang ibu adalah seseorang yang sangat mencintai dan saying padamu).
- He barely plays piano before. (dia nyaris tidak bisa bermain piano sebelumnya).
- Your parents will totally care and support your dream. (orangtuamu akan secara total perduli dan mendukung mimpimu).
- The play is almost finished. (pertunjukan itu hampir selesai).
- She is extremely smart woman. (dia wanita yang sangat pintar).
- The man is rather unfaithful with his wife. (pria itu agak tidak setia kepada istrinya).
- He is moderately successful with his life. (dia cukup sukses dengan hidupnya).
- The library is hardly clean. (perpustakaan hampir tidak bersih).
- Your performance is practically perfect and good. (penampilanmu praktis sempurna dan bagus).
Baca Juga : Contoh Simple Present Tense dan Ciri-Ciri Kalimatnya
Adverb(ial) of Frequency adalah adverb atau keterangan yang mengkonstruksi bentuk frasa dengan menyatakan berapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan atau peristiwa yang terjadi. How often, how frequently. Dan how many times digunakan dalam mengajukan pertanyaan yang berhubungan dengan adverb of frequency ini.
Contoh Adverb of Frequency
We go to Ragunan twice a week
a. How often do you go to Ragunan?
b. Twice a week
Adverb(ial) of frequency dibedakan menjadi definite dan indefinite.
Adverb(ial) of definite frequency mendeskripsikan tentang waktu yang spesifik pada suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan atau pada peristiwa yang terjadi. Sedangkan adverb of indefinite frequency tidak mengungkapkan secara detil seberapa sering suatu kegiatan dilakukan pada suatu peristiwa yang terjadi.
Contoh kata Adverb of Frequency:
Adverb(ial) of Definite Frequency | |
Yearly, annually (setiap tahun) | Every second/minute/hour/year (setiap detik/menit/jam/tahun) |
Monthly (setiap bulam) | Once (sekali), once a minute/week/month (sekali semenit/minggu/bulan. Once every month (sekali setiap bulan) |
Weekly (setiap minggu) | Twice (dua kali), twice a day/ week/month/year (dua kali sehari/seminggu/sebulan/setahun) |
Daily (setiap hari) | Three times (tiga kali) |
Hourly (setiap jam) | |
Adverb of Indefinite Frequency | |
Always, constantly (selalu/sering) | |
Usually, normally (biasanya) | |
Frequently, regularly, often (sering) | |
Sometimes (kadang-kadang) | |
Occasionally, infrequently, seldom (sekali-sekali) | |
Rarely, hardly, ever (jarang) | |
Never (tidak pernah) |
Ciri-ciri Adveb of Frequency dalam Kalimat
1. Sebelum verb (kata kerja) setelah verb be (menerangkan adjective) dan diantara auxiliary. Verb atau kata kerja dengan main verb berlaku untuk adveb of frequency seperti:
- · Always
- · Usually
- · Often
- · Sometimes
- · Seldom
- · Rarely
- · Never
2. Di akhir kalimat berlaku untuk -ly adverb dan adverb of definite frequency secara umum.
- · Yearly, annually
- · Monthly
- · Weekly
- · Daily
- · hourly
3. Di akhir / awal kalimat berlaku untuk:
- usually
- often
- frequently
- sometimes
- occasionally
4. Tidak berlaku untuk:
- always
- ever
- rarely
- seldom
- never
Namun always dan never dapat berada di awal kalimat Ketika digunakan pada imperative sentence.
Contoh kalimat Adverb of Frequency :
- Our special menus were changed daily. (menu special kami berubah setiap hari)
- Sometimes I feel sad and mad about the situation. (terkadang saya merasa sedih dan marah tentang situasi tersebut).
- Never do something bad again. (jangan pernah melakukan sesuatu yang buruk lagi).
- I always go to school with him by train. (saya selalu berangkat sekolah dengannya naik kereta).
Adverb of Place adalah adverb yang digunakan untuk membicarakan suatu kegiatan yang dilakukan pada suatu peristiwa yang terjadi (location), arah kemana seseorang atau sesuatu berubah (direction), seberapa jauh sesuatu atau seseorang (distance), atau kombinasi diantaranya diatas.
Prepositional phrase berperan sebagai adverb of place. Adverb prepotional phrase yang berperan demikian dinamakan adverbial of place.
Question word where digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dalam menunjukkan adverbial of place.
Contoh Adverb of Place
Contoh Adverb(ial) of Place | |
Above (di atas/posisi yang lebih tinggi) | Nowhere (tidak di/ke tempat manapun) |
Below (di bawah/lapisan yang rendah) | Somewhere (di/ke suatu tempat) |
Abroad (di/ke luar negeri) | Away (di/ke tempat lain, kea rah lain) |
Across (dari seberang/satu sisi ke sisi lain) | Back (Kembali, ke arah belakang) |
Anywhere (di/ke tempat apapun) | Behind (di/ke belakang) |
Elsewhere (di/ke tempat lain) | Backward (ke belakang) |
Everywhere (di/ke semua tempat) | Downward (ke bawah) |
Eastward (ke timur), forward (ke depan), homeward (ke rumah) | Onward (ke depan), upward (ke atas) |
Between (di antara) | Down (di/ke bawah) |
Downstairs (di/ke lantai bawah/lebih bawah), upstairs (di/ke lantai atas /lebih tinggi) | East (timur), north (utara), south (selatan), west (barat) |
Here, there, over there | In (ke dalam suatu objek/area, di rumah/di kantor) |
In doors (di dalam ruangan), Outdoors (di luar ruangan) | Inside, outside, left, over, near, nearby |
Sideways, underneath | Up, uphill |
Prepositional Phrase of Place At Home (di rumah) Under the bed (di bawah tempat tidur) |
Ciri Adverb of Place Di dalam Kalimat: | |
Posisi Adverb of Place | Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Place |
Berada di akhir kalimat. | The parents of bride and groom come here. (kedua orangtua pengantin wanita dan pria disini). |
Sebagian adverbial of place dapat ditempatkan di awal kalimat ketika adverbial of place berada pada posisi tersebut, main verb dapat diletakkan di depan subject khususnya pada simple present tense dan simple past tense. | Here comes the bride. (ini dia pengantin wanitanya). |
Contoh kalimat Adverb of Place
- They went for a walk on the beach while the sun shone above.
- I can’t walk across without maps.
- What do you do when there is nowhere to go to?
- She runs away whenever she sees him.
- Yesterday her son walked on the ice and fell backwards.
Adverb of Modality adalah kata keterangan yang digunakan untuk menerangkan tingkat keyakinan atau suatu harapan. How do you feel digunakan untuk mengajukan pertanyaan pada adverb of modality.
Contoh Adverb of Modality
Contoh Adverb of Modality | |
Contoh Adverb of Modality | Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Modality |
Fortunately (untung, bersyukur) | Fortunately you have a comfortable house to stay after a long day working. |
Hopefully (mudah-mudahan, semoga) | Hopefully, he goes home carrying the good food. |
Likely (sangat mungkin) | If you reject the job offer, you will likely regret about that. |
Maybe (Barangkali, mungkin) | Maybe he’ll call you to continue the discussion. |
Perhaps (barangkali/mungkin) | On Sunday, perhaps I will study about the mathematic. |
Possibly (barangkali, mungkin) | Cell radiation possibly damage your health. |
Probably (barangkali/mungkin) | He will probably remember to send a letter to his parents. |
Unlikely (tak mungkin) | Samson will likely forget his appointment again. |
Ciri Adverb of Modality Di dalam Kalimat: | |
Posisi Adverb of Modality | Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Modality |
Setelah be | The organic brown rice is definitely good for your body and health. |
Diantara auxiliary verb dengan main verb | You will likely regret your decision about the problem. |
Sebelum main verb | I certainly want to came to your place again. |
Di awal kalimat (maybe, perhaps) | Maybe I call her again tonight. |
Adverbial of Purpose adalah konstruksi yang berperan sebagai adverb dan menjawab pertanyaan why. Adverbial of Purpose atau adverb of reason juga merupakan suatu kata keterangan yang berfungsi untuk menunjukkan suatu tujuan/alasan pekerjaan yang dilakukan, baik yang terjadi maupun yang akan terjadi.
Konstruksi tersebut dapat berupa prepositional phrase dengan preposition for dan Infinitive phrase.
Contoh adverb of Purpose
So | In order |
Lest | Because |
to | So … that |
purposely | therefore |
Contoh Adverb of Purpose pada Kalimat
- He sick and therefore he can’t go study today.
- He always in laboratory and experiences every day, so that he got a nickname the Professor.
- In order to improve my skill in singing, I always practise.
- He bought this toy for his son.
- I write this journal for my job in university.
- He wearing a jacket to keep his bodies warm.
- She looking for a job to buy the house.
Focusing Adverb kata keterangan atau adverb yang digunakan untuk menunjukkan bahwa apa yang dibicarakan terbatas pada bagian yang difokuskan.
Contoh Focusing Adverbs
Just | also |
Mainly | As well |
Only | Even |
Too | In addition |
Adverb dapat menempati pada berbagai posisi di dalam suatu kalimat, bisa di awal, di tengah, atau di akhir. Mayoritasnya focusing adverb hanya menempati posisi di tengah kalimat. Posisi di tengah kalimat meliputi, setelah linking verb be, diataranya auxiliary verb dan main verb, atau sebelum main verb.
Contoh Focusing Adverb dalam Kalimat:
- We also visited Prambanan temple.
- You are only a little girl.
- I haven’t even meet her in person.
- My boss paid me 500 dollars just for finishing the easy question.
- Only Sisi came on time to the school.
- He is not only handsome, He is kind-hearted too.
Untuk merubah kata sifat (adjective) menjadi kata keterangan (adverb) biasanya menambahkan suffix “-ly” dibelakang kata sifat tersebut, tetapi jika kata adjective berakhiran “y” berubah menjadi “i” sebelum ditambahkan affix (imbuhan) “-ly”.(Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL Test, n.d.)
Contoh Adverb yang mengalami perubahan dari adjective:
Kata Dasar | Perubahan |
Slow | Slowly |
Interesting | Interestingly |
Awful | Awfully |
Bad | Badly |
Clear | Clearly |
Mental | Mentally |
Hard | Hardly |
Careless | Carelessly |
Sincere | Sincerely |
Safe | Safely |
Happy | Happily |
Lucky | Luckily |
Busy | Busily |
Easy | Easily |
Hungry | Hungrily |
Lazy | Lazily |
Funny | Funnily |
Horrible | Horribly |
Understandable | Understandably |
Sole | Solely |
Responsible | Responsibly |
Simple | Simply |
Tragic | Tragically |
Basic | Basically |
Automatic | Automatically |
Artistic | Artistically |
Scientific | Scientifically |
Berikut di bawah ini adalah contoh Adverb(ial) di dalam kalimat:
Kata | Contoh Kalimat |
Abroad | I lived abroad for three years. |
Actually | It looks quite small, but actually it is over 5 metres high. |
Across | The stream is very narrow – you can easily jump across. |
Afterwards | We’ll have lunch first and go shopping afterwards. |
Again | He had to take his driving test again. |
Ahead | Our team was losing, but now we are ahead again. |
Alike | My sister and I just don’t think alike. |
All | I forgot all about her birthday. |
Alone | I don’t like travelling alone. |
Aloud | He read the poem aloud. |
Ago | He phoned a few minutes ago. |
Almost | She’s almost as tall as I am. |
Altogether | The staff of three shops come to 200 altogether. |
Anxiously | They are waiting anxiously for the results of the exam. |
Apart | The two villages are about six miles apart. |
Around | Papers were lying around all over the floor. |
Back | Put the telephone back on the table. |
Behind | He was first, and the rest of the runners were a long way behind. |
Besides | I don’t want to go for a picnic, it’s starting to rain. |
Best | The engine works best when it’s warm. |
Better | She sings better than her sister. |
Bitterly | He bitterly regrets what he said. |
Blankly | He just stared blankly at me. |
Brightly | A children’s book with brightly painted pictures. |
Bluntly | “You’re drunk,” she said bluntly. |
By | She drove by without seeing us. |
Beneath | She looked out of the window at the children playing beneath. |
Calmly | He calmly swatted a couple of flies. |
Carelessly | And he nodded his head in my direction carelessly. |
Carefully | The holiday had been carefully planned or planned carefully. |
Cheekily | He grinned cheekily. |
Cheap | I bought them cheap in the local market. |
Cheaply | It is not easy to live cheaply in the city. |
Chiefly | The town is famous chiefly for its cathedral. |
Casually | he casually mentioned that he had got married last Saturday. |
Certainly | Can you give me a lift to the station? – Certainly |
Cleverly | I thought you handle the situation very cleverly. |
Clearly | Please speak clearly. |
Close | Keep close by me if you don’t want to get lost. |
Closely | She studied the timetable very closely. |
Clockwise | Turn the lid clockwise to tighten it. |
Confidently | Try to act confidently, even if you feel nervous. |
Consciously | I wasn’t consciously ignoring her; I just didn’t notice her. |
Continuously | The volcano has been erupting almost continuously since 1980. |
Coldly | She looked at me coldly and turned away. |
Comfortably | Make sure you’re comfortably dressed because it is rather cold outside. |
Completely | The town was completely destroyed in the earthquake. |
Commonly | The kangaroo is commonly associated with Australia. |
Considerably | He’s considerably fatter than he was when I knew him. |
Constantly | He talked constantly about his work. |
Conveniently | Several restaurants are conveniently located nearby. |
Correctly | Did I spell your name correctly? |
Dead | He was dead tired after his long walk. |
Deep | The mine goes deep under the sea. |
Deeply | Her lies hurt my father deeply. |
Definitely | I’ll definitely be there by 7 o’clock. |
Deliberately | He deliberately left the cage door open. |
Daily | We can deliver milk daily. |
Dangerously | The boat was dangerously close to the rock. |
Direct | The plane flies direct to Anchorage. |
Directly | He refused to answer the question directly. |
Dishonestly | They were accused of dishonestly obtaining bank loans. |
Down | Put the box down in the corner. |
Eagerly | The news was eagerly awaited. |
Earlier | Can’t you come any earlier than Tuesday? |
Easily | I passed my driving test easily. |
Enough | He doesn’t work fast enough. |
Entirely | I agree with you entirely. |
Equally | They are all equally guilty. |
Especially | This suitcase is especially heavy. |
Essentially | My new job is essentially not so very different from my old-one. |
Etc. | Fruit such as oranges, bananas, etc. |
Even | He doesn’t even like strawberries. |
Fairly | She treats everyone fairly. |
Forward | She bent forward to hear what he had to say. |
Frequently | The ferries don’t run as frequently in the winter. |
Full | The story has never been told in full. |
Fully | She still hasn’t fully recovered from her accident. |
Further | Can you all move further – I can’t get you in the picture. |
Furthest | The furthest distance I have ever flown is to Hong Kong |
Generally, | The office is generally closed between Christmas and the New Year. |
Generously | He generously insisted on paying for dinner. |
Gently | He gently put the blanket over her. |
Gladly | He’ll gladly come and help you. |
Gradually | His condition improved gradually day by day. |
Greatly | The cost of repairs has greatly increased in recent years. |
Gross | His salary is paid gross. |
Halfway | Come on, we’re more than halfway there. |
Here | I’ll sit here in the shade and wait for you. |
High | The sun rose high in the sky. |
Highly | The restaurant has been highly recommended. |
Instead | We haven’t any coffee, would you like some tea instead? |
Inwards | These doors open inwards. |
Just | Is that too much sugar? – No, it’s just right. |
Largely | His farm is largely grazing land. |
Last | Out of a queue of twenty people, I was served last. |
Loudly | The radio was playing very loudly. |
Often | I often have to go to town on business. |
On | Have you put the kettle on? |
On and off | He’s been smoking for 20 years now, on and off. |
Proudly | He spoke proudly of his son’s achievements. |
Relatively | The children have been relatively free from colds this winter. |
Secretly | She wrote to him secretly. |
Securely | Tie the boat securely to the dock. |
Somewhat | She is somewhat of an expert. |
There | Is that black van still there parked outside the house? |
Tomorrow | Are you free for lunch tomorrow? |
Tonight | I’ll be at home from eight o’clock tonight. |
Unfortunately, | Unfortunately, you were out when we called. |
Unhappily | They live unhappily. |
Unluckily | Unluckily for her, it rained that day. |
What | What is the last train for paris? |
Whenever | Come for tea whenever you like. |
Where | Where did I put my glasses? |
Why | Why did he have to phone me in the middle of the TV film? |
Widely | It is widely expected that he will resign. |
Worst | It’s difficult to say which team played worst. |
Wrongly | The cutline wrongly identified the people in the photo. |
Yes | Anyone want more coffee? – Yes, please. |
Yesterday | She came to see us yesterday evening. |
Yet | Has the manager arrived yet? |
Dari beberapa contoh adverb diatas, ada kata sifat (adjective) yang ketika berubah menjadi adverb perubahannya tidak ditambahkan imbuhan “-ly” pada belakang kalimat, contoh adverb yang tidak ditambahkan “-ly” pada belakang kalimat adalah sebagai berikut:
Kata Dasar | Perubahan |
Good | Well |
Fast | Fast |
Hard | Hard |
Early | Early |
Late | Late |
Far | Far |
Long | Long |
Short | Short |
Straight | Straight |
Fine | Fine |
Demikanlah beberapa contoh adverb yang dapat menambah kosa kata dan pengertian tentang adverb pada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Terima kasih banyak.
Contoh Soal
Choose the correct answer
- Yesterday, I finished work late / lately.
- This bread smells good / Well.
- This is absolute / absolutely
- Can you see anything? No, I can hardly / hard see anything.
- I was fascinating / fascinated by the image.
- This is a month / monthly
- Yesterday’s meeting was tired / tiring.
- She spoke to the child lovingly / lovely.
- I have worked hardly / hard on the project.
- They welcomed us in a friendly / friend

Majoring in Technology of Education, concentration in English Education Method of Teaching. Handle class, Room Class Teacher, make a presentation in the class with English language.